How long does raw milk last?

How long does raw milk last? Find tips and answers to your questions about raw milk storage and freshness.

Health Benefits of Raw Milk

-a nutrient-dense food, containing a wide range of vitamins, minerals, & essential fatty acids

-contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes that that's good for the gut

Storing Raw Milk

-refrigeration at storage temperature below 40°F (4°C) -clean containers like glass bottles -seal tightly to prevent contamination -keep cold -light protection

Step 1

Clean our cow’s udder with wet rags and warm water. We use fresh rags, jars and everything else that is involved in this process for each milking.

Step 2

Before doing the hand milking, strip a small amount of milk from each teat to check for abnormalities and stimulate milk letdown.

Step 3

Strain it through a fine mesh strainer and store in glass jars in the fridge as soon as possible. This helps keep the milk fresh for longer, but it also ensures best quality taste.

Step 4

We consume all of our milk within a few days. We steam it for coffee, bake with it, put it in our smoothies or make icecream.

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