Fresh Mint Leaves for Tea

Best Way to Harvest

In this post I’ll show you how to harvest mint for tea, whether you use it fresh like I do, or dry for later use.

Benefits of Mint Plants:

-easy cultivation

-natural pest deterrent

-culinary versatility

-soothing digestive aid

-stress relief

-respiratory support

Benefits of Mint Tea:

-digestive comfort -sress reduction -respiratory relief -hydration -antioxidant content -nausea relief

Different Varieties of Mint:

-spearmint -peppermint -chocolate mint -orange mint -apple mint -pineapple mint -lemon mint

Step 1

Pull off individual leaves off your plant, and lay them out in a single layer on a cookie sheet to dry.

Step 2

Make sure they’re in a warm & dry place, but out of direct sunlight. Alternatively, you can use a dehydrator or even your oven on the lowest temperature setting.

Step 3

If I have a big harvest of mint I want to dry, I usually opt for cutting off the entire mint plants, tying them up in bunches, and hanging them upside down to dry.

Step 4

When the leaves are dry, you can easily pick them off the stems and store them in an airtight container.

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